Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Day, Same Old Shit

Vintage is a state of mind. An appreciation for things that came before you. A fondess for a different time. As if you were taking the best of the old into the now. Not so much then was better than now, but more they did some good stuff then let's make sure now is an improvement. We're always approaching the new as being better than the old. This may stem from the fallacy that we're always evolving, that things which come after are moving forward or up, not backwards or down. But why do my vintage clothes always last longer than the stuff I buy from Forever 21? Or why does my 50 year old credenza stand the test of time, while my IKEA side table barely makes it through a year? Newer doesn't necessarily mean better. For all the technology we "evolved" have, we still have a shit-load of problems. And really old problems at that. The point of this ramble is not to state that older is better than newer. There are plenty of things I am glad we left in the past; slavery (at least not legally), caves, sanitary napkins, and pagers. However, I do think that while we may create new things for years to come, let's just make sure we're making an improvement on the old. Not just creating for the sake of repackaging old shit like it's best "new" thing since sliced bread. Let's just go for better across the board, then or now, better is the new new.

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